Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Planet Collision

Worst           Game          EVER!!!!!

Level 2 Start

Level 3 Start

Final End Screen

Monday, September 21, 2015

What Have I Learnt?

I have learnt quiet a lot in the past week. Most of it I knew from last year, but it's a nice refresh. It would be especially helpful if you were new to it. Here is what I have learnt so far:

Picture Letter Project:

In This Project, you take pictures off google images or some place with pictures, put them in Photoshop, make a letter with the picture, erase and crop out the excess. Then save the picture to Dropbox to use in the final project. You have to make at least 14 letters with different fonts and different pictures. When you have the letters completed, make a table to put them in on your blog with table generator. After that copy and paste the code into a new post under HTML. In between the >< add a letter. Your final project should look something like this. You might have to adjust the width of your blog to fit the letters.

In Photoshop, I have learnt the basics. Here are just a few things that I learnt about Photoshop:

Photoshop is not a pick up learn in 5 minutes thing. It is more like a it takes years to learn it all. With the teacher telling you how to use the tools you need and only the ones you need, it is a little easier to understand.

I learnt how to use the shortcuts on the keyboard like Ctrl z to back and Ctrl - to zoom out. Also, Ctrl alt z to go back more, Ctrl + to zoom in and Ctrl s to save.

I also learnt how to use these tools:

- Eraser Tool

- Crop

-Free Transfer

                                                               -Save a file.

                                                               It might not be much but it got my project done.

The final thing I learnt this week is how to operate a blog. For this class we have been using blogger as our blogging template. It is free and relativity easy to learn. It is a good way to give your teacher your projects.

The layout section of blogger is very useful. It lets you add little gadegts like adding links, photos, and more. I speeds up the process of finding what you want to find on whatever blog you are looking at. So far in the layout department I have added a header image, an avatar image, and links to other peoples blog. There is an option when making a new post to use HTML coding instead of the normal drag and drop template version. The name with pictures post was made with HTML. To make all the letters line up, I made a table to put the letters in with table generator. Then I copy and pasted the code into the post and then added the pictures in the code.

So far
IT 10 is pretty fun and I have learned lots of skills to help me in the future!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015