Friday, November 20, 2015

Day 5 PlanetBase (Final)

Beginning of class

End of class
Today I tried a different approach on keeping everybody alive; I predicted what the colonists would need before they were asking for it!!! It kept them alive for a good chunk of time, until I started to run out of energy and food!!!!

     There are a lot of great things to this game such as the simple interface, realistic problems, and graphics. But there are also some pit falls like how easy it is to kill everyone in your colony instantly. Furthermore, I would like to see a less graphically intense version of settings in which people with older computers can use the game. Besides that, I would also like to see a free trial so people don't have to waste money on a game they won't ever play again. In conclusion, I give this game a 4/5 for the simple fact that this games is well crafted, easy to play but challenging at the same time, and draws the player in. That's all I have to say about this game. Go get a copy for yourself!!!

PlanetBase Website:

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Day 4 PlanetBase

Today I am going to continue on building up my settlement. Before I do that though, I am going to build another mine and more food as I kept running out of metal and food.

30 Minutes Later.....
After adding more bio domes and mines I stared to run out of power near the end of the night. I tried to build more solar panels, wind turbines, and power collectors, but I didn't have the resources. Then people started to die because the power was out and the meal maker wouldn't functions. Note to self, don't overload the system or it will crash and burn. :(

Day 3 Planetbase

Today was my first day actually playing PlanetBase by myself. It was surprisingly easy to build the colony once I understood what to build first and what to save for later. First order was to get some oxygen for the settlers. I built an oxygen generator, a water extractor for the oxygen generator to work. Then solar panels, wind turbines and a power collector for energy. After that I made an airlock, canteen, and a dorm for the settlers to live in.
For food and water, I added a water fountain and a table. For the people to sleep, I  made a  few beds in the dorm. Since I was going to run out of resources, I  made a mine, metal and plastic processors, and a bio dome for food. Because people were getting sick, I made a medical clinic and a lab for the medicine. After that, I was ready for more settlers so I built a landing pad. I was starting to run out of energy half way through the night so I added more power collectors, solar panels, and wind turbines. I also ran out of oxygen frequently so I built an extra oxygen and water generator. After that I built random things that I didn't need such as a multi dome,  factory, mission control, space pad, bar, and a cabin.

I archived 3 milestones including survival, expansion. and self sufficiency. One of my goals for this game is to receive every milestone. Another is to build the space laser to destroy meteors. I would also like to keep the causalities to a minimum.

Now, when it comes to getting started on this game I would suggest you follow the tutorial. That means building the structures in the order the tutorial did. You know that it worked once so why change it. Also, build the necessities first. That's all I have to say for now. Have fun!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Day 2 PlanetBase

 Today was my first time playing PlanetBase and it is a very fun strategy game about building a colony on a remote planet. When you first get the game I suggest you try the tutorial. It will teach you what each structure does and how to sustain your resources. The basic camera controls are WASD for move back, forth, left and right. Q and E are to turn the view like your head would.
Beginning of Tutorial.

In the top left corner, this panel will appear. It includes all the structures and most other controls you will need to get your colony up and
running.  On the right this panel will show up. It shows your stats such as sunlight, wind speed, population, and if you click ALT, it will show your material count. Some other controls you should know are TAB to look in a structure, and click on a structure to work on the inside  furniture and such. If you want to speed up time, click the + button and to slow it down, click -.

What I like about this tutorial is that it  is very detailed and gives you all the information and step by steps you need. On the other hand, it does not allow you to control where you place the structures till near the end. Compared to the walk through I watched yesterday, this is far superior as it is slower and more detailed. I suggest you build an oxygen generator first, then a water generator, then an airlock. After that get some power collectors, solar panels, and wind turbines. Later add a canteen with a water fountain and a table. Make a source of food and after that it is up to you. Happy Building!!!

PlanetBase: Introduction

Load Screen
The game, PlanetBase, is a strategy game in which your goal is to guide a group of human settlers through the process of building a community on a remote planet. Your role in the game is base manager and main architect. You will tell the other settlers where to build each building. You will need to make sure basic survival necessities are accessible such as oxygen, food and water. You will collect energy, extract water, mine ores, grow food, etc. From the video in depth video I watched on the beginning of the game (Link at the end) I learnt that you can choose from 3 difficulties at the start.
3 planet options
The dessert planet is for learning the basics of the game. Once you get your feet wet and learn the ropes of the game, frozen planet is more challenging and if you want to go hard core, play on the gas giant moon. After you choose, you will enter the game. In the top right hand corner is where most of the controls are including building factories, energy collectors, water extractors and mine shafts. On the top right is your resource count. Along with these controls, there are also individual controls for each building and person in the game, for specific tweaking. 
Example Settlement
Along with different types of planets and buildings, there are also different types of people and robots. Each person or bot tends to a specific part of the colony. There are workers, biologists, engineer, medics, and guards. There are also different robots such as construction bots and carrier bots. Once I play the game I will have more info on the specifics of it. My overall impressions are very good after watching the trailer, a walk through, and reading through the website. I can't wait to play the game!!!


Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday Post November 13th

This week in computer class we finished off our car builder assignment. We had to make each car go a certain speed while holding 2, 4, or 6 seats. On Tuesday, we made Remembrance day postcards with a collage of World war photos, Quotes from Remembrance day and a letter on the back with stamps. We also went to the Remembrance day assembly and payed our respects for the thousands of soldiers that gave their lives so long ago. Wednesday we didn't come to school as it was Remembrance day. On Thursday we finished off the postcards. Friday was a catch up day and also the day to write this post. That's all for this week.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015