Thursday, November 19, 2015

Day 3 Planetbase

Today was my first day actually playing PlanetBase by myself. It was surprisingly easy to build the colony once I understood what to build first and what to save for later. First order was to get some oxygen for the settlers. I built an oxygen generator, a water extractor for the oxygen generator to work. Then solar panels, wind turbines and a power collector for energy. After that I made an airlock, canteen, and a dorm for the settlers to live in.
For food and water, I added a water fountain and a table. For the people to sleep, I  made a  few beds in the dorm. Since I was going to run out of resources, I  made a mine, metal and plastic processors, and a bio dome for food. Because people were getting sick, I made a medical clinic and a lab for the medicine. After that, I was ready for more settlers so I built a landing pad. I was starting to run out of energy half way through the night so I added more power collectors, solar panels, and wind turbines. I also ran out of oxygen frequently so I built an extra oxygen and water generator. After that I built random things that I didn't need such as a multi dome,  factory, mission control, space pad, bar, and a cabin.

I archived 3 milestones including survival, expansion. and self sufficiency. One of my goals for this game is to receive every milestone. Another is to build the space laser to destroy meteors. I would also like to keep the causalities to a minimum.

Now, when it comes to getting started on this game I would suggest you follow the tutorial. That means building the structures in the order the tutorial did. You know that it worked once so why change it. Also, build the necessities first. That's all I have to say for now. Have fun!!!

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