Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Day 2 PlanetBase

 Today was my first time playing PlanetBase and it is a very fun strategy game about building a colony on a remote planet. When you first get the game I suggest you try the tutorial. It will teach you what each structure does and how to sustain your resources. The basic camera controls are WASD for move back, forth, left and right. Q and E are to turn the view like your head would.
Beginning of Tutorial.

In the top left corner, this panel will appear. It includes all the structures and most other controls you will need to get your colony up and
running.  On the right this panel will show up. It shows your stats such as sunlight, wind speed, population, and if you click ALT, it will show your material count. Some other controls you should know are TAB to look in a structure, and click on a structure to work on the inside  furniture and such. If you want to speed up time, click the + button and to slow it down, click -.

What I like about this tutorial is that it  is very detailed and gives you all the information and step by steps you need. On the other hand, it does not allow you to control where you place the structures till near the end. Compared to the walk through I watched yesterday, this is far superior as it is slower and more detailed. I suggest you build an oxygen generator first, then a water generator, then an airlock. After that get some power collectors, solar panels, and wind turbines. Later add a canteen with a water fountain and a table. Make a source of food and after that it is up to you. Happy Building!!!

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